Regular Services Every Sunday

Two Services at

9 a.m & 11 a.m

Community Church of Hope was established in 1996 by the LGBTQ community as a spiritual center. We are a diverse group of people who are God-centered and Christ-driven to provide Hope and Love to ALL. Our mission statement remains as current and alive as it did in 1996 welcoming all communities. Being a part of the greater community is a passion and commitment. Our giving includes organizations and individuals in our community as we reach out to those in need and with those who are celebrating.

Listen to our sermons online anytime

To Our Visitors

Welcome to Community Church of Hope!  We understand that faith communities are many and varied and each has its own traditions.  In an effort to make your worship experience as comfortable and fulfilling as possible, we would like to outline some of the things that might happen today.

Our music service is designed to provide a space for people to express themselves through singing, praying or meditating together.  We generally begin by standing together, although you may choose to sit at any time.  While many will sing, clap and raise their hands, it is also acceptable to simply stand or sit quietly as the music continues around you.

The offering is our opportunity to share in the financial well-being of CCH.  Community Church of Hope is completely self-sustaining, and the financial gifts received each week are our primary means of monetary support.  During the service, a prayer of thanks and blessing will be given.  An offering envelope is provided in each worship folder, please place your envelope in the offering boxes located on the walls as you leave the worship space.  Offerings can also be given with your debit/credit card through the E-readers available before and after services.

This is our community sharing gifts of bread and juice. You do not have to be a member of CCH or any other church to share in Communion, these tables are open to all.  It is also acceptable to simply remain seated during this part of the service in quiet thought. (Self-serve Gluten Free wafers and grape juice are available as well.)